Power MEMS in Action – a hands-on demonstration session at PowerMEMS 2017

Power MEMS in Action is a special session in the PowerMEMS 2017 program that is specifically dedicated to table-top demonstrations of micro power sources and small scale energy harvesting systems. The maturity of power MEMS has evolved significantly over the past decade and multiple technologies have reached interesting levels of performance and operability. With the growing interest in wireless sensors for the Internet of Things and other distributed or portable devices, there is no better time to bring power MEMS out of the lab and into applications. The Power MEMS in Action session provides this opportunity by allowing researchers to demonstrate their technologies at the conference.

The objectives of this session are to:

Showcase power MEMS in operation to validate the field and encourage the adoption of power MEMS in applications
Demonstrate and promote the development of knowhow in power MEMS (ability to implement solutions)
Allow the demonstration of new concepts and technologies
Better assess and understand the level of maturity in the field, and promote research on issues that may limit the implementation of power MEMS
Push the field towards innovation, with more complete devices to meet the needs of applications
Three categories of submissions will be considered, each with their main evaluation criteria:

Applications: demonstration of a wireless sensor or another application that is driven by a miniature power source or energy harvesting device. The benefits and appropriateness of having such as power source should be well described.
Devices and systems: power MEMS devices, circuits and systems. The performance-based metrics and complete operation here is important to evaluate the submission.

Novel concepts and approaches: new mechanisms or principles that deserve to be experienced hands-on to better understand and appreciate them. Although the level of maturity or completeness is not dominant, the abstract evaluation will consider novelty and potential impact in the field.

Abstract submission:

Proposed demonstrations must be submitted following the same format as the regular conference abstracts. Please indicate in the heading that your abstract is intended for the ‘Power MEMS in Action’ session and specify the appropriate category ( Applications / Devices and systems / Novel concepts and approaches). The abstract should clearly describe the principles of operation and the implementation. For devices and systems, the abstract must also provide the measured key performance metrics depending on the type of device (i.e. not simply power, but normalised by mass and acceleration, for a vibration energy harvester, or by temperature difference and area for thermal energy harvesters).

Presentation format of PowerMEMS-in-Action category:

Oral presentation in this category consists of a regular oral presentation and demonstration during a designated poster session. Poster presentation in this category consists of a short oral presentation, poster presentation and demonstration during a designated poster session. In order to encourage demonstrations of prototype from industries, a four-page manuscript for the IOP Conference Series will be waived, when they have chosen the “PowerMEMS-in-Action” poster presentation category at the time of abstract submission.

Power MEMS 2017

c/o Echizen & Associates,
Tokan Shinjuku Bldg., 603 Nishi-Shinjuku 3-6-5, Shinjuku, Tokyo, 160-0023 Japan
phone: +81-3-3346-8007 fax: +81-3-3346-8002